Course on "Osteoporosis: Essentials of Densitometry, Diagnosis and Management" - Kolkatta - 26-27 Oct '13
ISBMR conducted its international course “Osteoporosis Essentials of Densitometry Diagnosis and Management” at Hotel, The Park, 17 Park Street, Kolkatta on 26-27 October 2013. The course was very well received.
The course was attended by over 40 participants
Participant's Feedback
About the Programme
“Was the programme upto your expectation” |
Yes | 100% | No | 0% | ||
Quality of faculty |
Excellent | 76% | Satisfactory | 24% | Unsatisfactory | 0% |
Content of programme |
Too much | 15% | Satisfactory | 85% | Unsatisfactory | 0% |
Programe schedule |
Too Tough | 11% | Appropriate | 89% | Too easy | 0% |
What Did You enjoy the most
Feedback |
Total Respondents |
Lectures of Dr Khadgawat is informative, precise and enjoyable |
2 |
Interactive discussions with the faculty |
13 |
Clinical discussions | |
Osteoporosis treatment & management methods as protocols. |
Dr Malhotra’s speech on osteoporosis was excellent |
Interpretation of BMD | |
Clinical Management of Osteoporosis | |
Methodology and reporting of BMD |
Comments by Participants
Name | Comments |
Dr Sheikh Alfazuddin |
The training progrm was excellent, helping a lot of ………. concept on osteoporosis. Pls arrange such ………. programs for the orthopaedic surgeons also. |
Dr Bijaya Kr Tripathy | This is a very complicated health issue involving mostly metabolic & pharmacological and bio-chemical aspects. Hence the training was very informative. For practicing orthos surgeons the existing training program is sufficient. Any new research results may be added in future |
Dr P K Pujari | Course contents can be appropriately adjusted to discard some irrelevant topics. Also more orthopaedic surgeons should be involved in trng program. Lots of doubts have been cleared. Some treatment guidelines have been given. However, some problems are yet to be answered. However, faculty is very approachable. |
Dr Raghunathan | Good Update & fine tuning of knowledge and facts |
It is better if you arrange similar programme at district levels too |
Dr Sumanta Kumar Senapati |
VLive demonstration of BMD measurement including screening of doctors. Need follow up for using DXA scan machine. |
Dr Dipak Kr Jha | We can add some case discussions with patient’s complaints. As patients come to clinicians with complaints (either pain or fracture). Any treatment that doesn’t address patient’s complaints has limited value to a clinician |
Dr Pankaj Kumar | Yes, every orthopedic surgeon needs to have proper knowledge and updates on osteoporosis. Prefer to have more orthopedic surgeons as faculty |
Dr Deepak Verma | Very lengthy program. Could be complete in one day without giving unwarranted & unnecessary details on DXA. This was rather a DXA essential training program. |
Dr Arvind Kr Kalyani | Should have once or twice a year |
Dr Ranadeep Rudra | Printed synopsis of the whole program will add more value |
Dr Koushik Bairagi | The training program has enhanced my knowledge. So I could aptly use my knowledge to the patient for their benefit |