Course on "Osteoporosis: Essentials of Densitometry, Diagnosis and Management"
A course on Osteoporosis Essentials was conducted for about 50 Orthopedics at CY Marriott Mumbai on 14-15 Mar 2015 and was very well received. This is the third year in a row that ISBMR is successfully conducting this course, which has been immensely benefiting the patients suffering from Osteoporosis
The course covered modules such as:
Overview of osteoporosis, Bone measurement device operating principles, X-ray science, Radiation Safety and Quality assurance, Clinical Evaluation of bone health, Use of bone densitometry for the diagnosis of osteoporosis, fracture risk assessment, Monitoring treatment of osteoporosis, Clinical Management (in three parts), Principles of DXA scan interpretation, and Principles of Reporting DXA scans