Dr Ritu Trivedi, Senior Scientist, Endocrinology Division, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow-226 001
Contact: +91-522-2772450 Ext. 4397

Research Interest

Our research programme addresses the problem of osteoporosis. The major focus is to study relationship of declining sex steroid levels in aging women and men to bone loss. These studies are complimented by animal studies and basic bone biology tools examining bone cells at different stages of differentiation. Our studies represent the leading edge of osteoporosis research, especially in the area of female osteoporosis and basic bone cell biology.

Current area of Research

  1. Potential new drug targets for osteoporosis
  2. Lactational physiology that includes studies on the role of miRNAs responsible for bone mass reversal at the time of weaning
  3. Comparative proteomic approach to study the changes in the protein expression profiles of the potential anabolics in osteoblasts
  4. Bone growth mechanisms and regulation including nutritional intervention.Here we are interested in understanding the mechanism for normal bone growth and currently focussing on understanding the growth plate biology and regulation of bone lengthening.
  5. Relationship between fat and bone mass in high fat diet(HFD) induced osteoporosis model. We hypothesize that HFD aggravates ovariectomy related complications. We test this by investigating lipid metabolism, adipose tissue remodelling, adipokines and inflammatory cytokines.

Career Highlights:

  1. Transferred Technology of standardized extract of Dalbergia Sissoo for bone health 10th April, 2015 to Pharmanza pvt. ltd.
  2. Recipient of Director’s special incentive award for excellence in research in 2014 and 2015.
  3. Awarded fellowship from National Institute of Health (NIH) USA 2000.
  4. Life Member, Indian Society for Bone and Mineral Research
  5. Executive member of Indian Society for Bone and Mineral Research UP chapter.
  6. Organized conference on Metabolic Bone Disorders in 2010 at CDRI

For more details please visit:

Google Scholar Profile: http://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=kaATtJMAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Research Gate Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ritu_Trivedi/contributions/?ev=prf_act