What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis means porous bones, which are more susceptible to fractures. Indians are thought to be particularly prone to osteoporosis.

In the US, one out of every two women has an osteoporosis related fracture.


Osteoporosis is a silent disease, since bone loss is without symptoms, till a fracture actually occurs.

Your bones are the frame on which your body is built. Weak bones (“osteoporosis”) means a weak frame, which tends to break easily. That is why it is important to have healthy, strong bones.

Children are the best bone builders. The growing years are the most important for building our bank balance (calcium and mineral in the bone). Adequate intake of milk and milk products during this period is a must, as is regular exercise (outdoor sports) and sunlight exposure. Beyond adulthood, most effort is directed toward preventing or slowing bone loss.

Risk factors for osteoporosis include: female sex, thin built, old age, family history of osteoporosis, early menopause or amenorrhoea, sedentary life style, smoking, poor calcium intake and vitamin D deficiency. Both calcium deficiency and vitamin D deficiency are very common in urban Indians.

Osteoporosis is diagnosed by measuring bone density, which is ideally performed using DEXA densitometer. Ideally all women at menopause and all individuals over 65 should uindergo this test.

There are several good remedies available for osteoporosis. Consult your doctor (endocrinologist) for the right choice of drug. Calcium vitamin D and exercise remain the mainstay of any program, regardless of which specific drug is used.