The ISBMR was established in 1996 and registered under the Indian Societies Registration Act 21, of 1860, on the initiative of the founder chairperson Dr. Ajay Gupta, Nephrologist, Henry Ford Hospital Detroit.
” The lack of trained experts in this field in India was the main reason why expatriate Indians like Dr Gupta, Dr. D. Sudhaker Rao (Chief, Bone and Mineral Division, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit), and others, got together with Dr Ambrish Mithal (then a faculty member at the Department of Endocrinology at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow) to give the initial thrust to ISBMR activities. Professor M.M.S. Ahuja (New Delhi) was the guiding force and founder President of the Society. ”
The objectives of the India Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ISBMR) are to promote research and disseminate knowledge about metabolic bone diseases like osteoporosis, rickets, osteomalacia and renal osteodystrophy in India. More specifically the aims of the Society are as follows:
- To bring together general physicians, endocrinologist, nutritionists, nephorologists, pediatricians, pathologists, radiologists, gynecologists, rheumoatologists and orthopedic surgeons so that a multidisciplinary approach may be used for prevention and research in metabolic bone disease.
- To disseminate knowledge about metabolic bone diseases to the medical community by means of lectures, seminars, and publications, and to general public by the medium of magazines articles, public lectures and distribution of literature.
- To conduct and promote research on metabolic bone disease using epidemiological, clinical and basic science approaches.
- To establish centers for the diagnosis and treatment of metabolic bone disease.
- To work with governmental and nongovernmental agencies on public health issues related to metabolic bone diseases.
- Training of Indian physicians interested in metabolic bone disease.