ISBMR Research Grants
YEAR 2018 – Dr. Shweta Varshney -“To study the role of Vitamin D metabolizing enzymes and calcium transport channels from placenta on neonatal, bone mass determination: Comparison of subjects with pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes and healthy cases”
YEAR 2017 – Dr Sanjay Kumar Bhadada – “To study the Trabecular Bone Score in healthy adult population of North India and its comparison with bone mineral density: A community survey
YEAR 2016 – DR. DEEP DUTTA -“Impact of body mass composition and predictors of low bone mineral mass in males with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)”
YEAR 2015 – DR. VIJAYALAKSHMI BHATIA on “A study of Vitamin D supplementation regimens in exclusively breastfed term infants – A randomized trial”
YEAR 2014 – Dr. Rajesh Khadgawat – “To Study the Variability in Content Strength of Commercially Available Cholecalciferol Preparations in India”